Soya Bean

Soya Bean / ባቄላ

From 2000 to 2009, production volume has increased by an annual average of 37% while productivity (yield per hectare) over the same period increased by 8%. Regionally, Amhara (39%), Benishangul Gumuz (36%) and Oromia (24%) are the largest producers while SNNPR (0.33%) is the only other producing region. Export data from ERCA and National Bank of Ethiopia indicate that 34,264 Metric ton of Soy beans, with value of 15.7 million USD were exported in 2016, The main destinations for the Ethiopian Soy bean export in the past ten years were Australia, Bahrain, Djibouti, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kuwait, Netherlands, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sudan, USA and Vietnam, with Sudan and Indonesia along importing 42% of soybeans from Ethiopia.

Globally, a total volume of 667.8 million Metric Tons (MT) of soybean was produced in the fiscal year 2016/17. Over the last eight years, average production volume of soybean world-wide reached 557.5 million MT per annum. During this period, the major five producing countries account for 47% of the global soybean output: USA (17%), Brazil (15%), Argentina (9%), China (2%), and India (2%). Statistical data of 2018 production volumes show that USA (34%), Brazil (30%) and Argentina (18%) account for 82% of the overall global production with combined volume of 248 million Metric tons.

The overall trend from 2000 to 2009 shows that the volume of soybeans produce in Ethiopia has increased on average of 37% within this time period and the highest volume (812,418 quintals) was registered in 2008 E.C.

The average regional distribution of overall soy bean production from 2000 to 2009, Oromia, Benishangul and Amhara are the largest producers, with the three regions making up 99.6% of the overall national production in 2009. The remaining 0.33percent production came from SNNPR.

Growing Conditions

In general, the cultivation of soybean is successful in climates with hot summers, with temperatures between 20°C to 30°C being optimum. Temperatures below 20°C and over 40°C are found to retard growth significantly. It can grow in a wide range of soils, with optimum growth in moist alluvial soils with a good organic content. Modern soybean varieties generally reach a height of around 1 m (3 ft), and take 80-120 days from sowing to harvesting.